
Protecting Wyoming’s Second Largest Industry

Photo Credit: Wyoming Office of Tourism


The Wyoming Hospitality and Travel Coalition has a seasoned, respected lobbyist who is at the Wyoming Capitol every single day of the legislature. We are engaged with local, state and federal decision-makers throughout the year.


Partnerships with the National Restaurant Association, the American Hotel and Lodging Association and the U.S. Travel Association provide representation on issues that impact the hospitality and travel industry at the federal level. We have our hand on the pulse of anything politically that affects our industry, and we get the job done.

Standing Positions

  • WHTC supports the statewide and local option lodging tax to be used for tourism promotion and opposes the use of the lodging tax for general-purpose operations that should be supported by general taxes.

    WHTC opposes tax breaks or special tiers for residential property that could result in commercial property tax increases.

    WHTC supports the current vendor compensation whereby a portion or percentage of the sales tax is returned to the collector as reimbursement for that service.

    WHTC opposes gasoline tax increases that are not earmarked for highways.

  • WHTC supports keeping Wyoming minimum wage law the same as the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.

    WHTC supports revising the Wyoming tip-sharing statute to match the federal law.

    WHTC members have been unable to fill entry level and supervisory positions with qualified people. WHTC urges educators and job programs at all levels to consult with businesses to find ways to train the workforce more effectively in reading, writing, math and behavioral skills that will ensure their success in the workforce.

    WHTC supports the University of Wyoming's Outdoor Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Degree Program.

    WHTC members are willing to participate in these programs and can offer their experience from their training expertise.

    WHTC supports school-to-work programs.

    WHTC supports the Workers' Compensation Division in its efforts to maximize investment opportunities to strengthen the fund. WHTC will work to minimize rate increases for members by encouraging legislation that streamlines the system and prevents fraud.

    WHTC supports safety discount programs with a minimum of red tape and experience rating based on reasonable loss reserves. WHTC will continue to monitor the administrative system as it changes and report difficulties as they occur.

    WHTC opposes changes to the Worker’s Compensation laws that could raise rates in ways that will negatively affect employers and employees.

  • WHTC supports the following principles for health care reform at the state level: Reform should not mandate increased benefits that must be offered by all Insurance policies.

    WHTC is cautious about basic or minimum benefit packages.

    Managed care options within reason should be encouraged.

    Reforms should focus on the cost of health care.

  • WHTC supports the Wyoming Office of Tourism for its expertise in marketing Wyoming as a vacation destination and for helping local communities market and grow the visitor economy.

    WHTC supports the Governor's Food Safety Council and supports the positions of the National Restaurant Association and a food safety system that works to protect the public and restaurants.

    WHTC commends the Wyoming Environmental Health Association and the Wyoming Consumer Health Division for providing sanitation and food handling seminars and will continue joint efforts to promote food safety in Wyoming.

    WHTC supports the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's consumptive and non-consumptive use of Wyoming's resources.

    WHTC supports the Wildlife Trust Fund to preserve Wyoming's wildlife heritage. WHTC believes that Wyoming's wildlife population plays an important role in encouraging tourists to visit our State.

    WHTC supports Wyoming State Parks and Cultural Resources and their long-range planning for state museums, parks, and outdoor recreation.

    WHTC supports the Workforce Development Training Fund from the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services.

    WHTC supports the Wyoming Outdoor Recreations and Tourism Trust Fund to help communities build out and enhance local outdoor recreation and tourism-related assets.

  • WHTC supports market-appropriate per diem rates for Government travelers

    WHTC supports the J1 and H2B Foreign Work Visa Programs.

    WHTC supports addressing the backlog of deferred maintenance at our national parks.

    WHTC supports fully funding Brand USA to continue to successfully market the United States internationally.

  • WHTC supports enabling legislation for the creation of Tourism Improvement Districts

    WHTC supports efforts to build tolerance and understanding among the citizens of Wyoming and to attack hatred and bigotry wherever it exists. WHTC supports broad-based hate crime legislation and will carefully review the particulars of all proposed legislation.

    WHTC supports active participation by the Legislature, Wyoming Business Council, Governor and Congressional Delegation to ensure adequate air service to Wyoming communities.

    WHTC supports lobbyist accountability and ethics laws as long as all parties are treated fairly and unreasonable burdens are not placed on the hospitality industry and its representatives.

    WHTC continues to encourage members to use recycling programs.

    WHTC encourages enforcement of state and local regulations and additional legislation to fight unfair competition from non-profit and governmental entities affecting lodging and restaurants.

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