3.04.24 Legislative Update

Valued WHTC Members,

Today the legislature enters what is supposed to be the final week of the 2024 budget session. The legislature has three days left over from last year’s general session that they can use if the House and Senate Joint Conference Committees do not come to an agreement on the state’s biennium budget.  The two chambers are currently about $1 billion apart in their respective budgets.  


It remains to be seen whether the House and Senate will agree on a biennium budget with the remaining time left this session. They are constitutionally required to pass a biennium budget and if they do not get it done this week, there will be a need for a special session later this Spring.  


There ended up being a total of 366 bills and resolutions posted for consideration. You can monitor all bills for the 2024 budget session here https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2024 

Interim Topics

All standing Joint Committees will meet this week to discuss interim topics.  Each committee meets three times during the interim between the end of this session and the 2025 General Session.  Your association will be engaged in all interim discussions that are impactful to the hospitality and tourism industry in Wyoming. The WHTC will send out legislative updates and will engage our industry as impactful topics are considered.

  • Monday, March 4, 2024

    Final day for bills to report out of committee in the second chamber. 

    Tuesday, March 5, 2024

    Final day for Committee of the Whole in the second chamber. 

    Wednesday, March 6, 2024

    Final day for bills on 2nd Reading in the second chamber. 

    Thursday, March 7, 2024

    Final day for bills on 3rd Reading in the second chamber. 

    Friday, March 8, 2024

    All Joint Conference Committee Reports are due by 2:00 pm. Adjourn by midnight. *three days remaining from the last session available if needed

  • Governor Mark Gordon’s Recommendation for the Wyoming Tourism Board Budget

    Our top priority this budget session is for the legislature to pass the Governor's biennium budget recommendation (Gov’s Rec) for agency 066 Wyoming Tourism Board. When tourism funding shifted from the state’s general fund to the direct funding provided by the statewide lodging tax, the tourism budget increased by $8.8 per biennium. While this increase put Wyoming in a better position to compete with our surrounding states, Colorado, Montana, Utah, and South Dakota still invest significantly more than Wyoming does. The increase also allows for a destination development grant program that all 23 counties have taken advantage of. Governor Gordon recommended then that the increased investment become part of the tourism board's "standard budget." During the 2022 budget session, the Joint Appropriations Committee (JAC) made the increase in one-time funding or "an exception request." Governor Gordon has once again recommended this funding become part of the standard budget. Additionally, the Governor recommended filling two unfilled positions within the Office of Tourism- a data analyst and an Industry Development Manager to help the Office of Tourism continue to grow Wyoming’s visitor economy.  

    Status: Our top priorities for The Wyoming Tourism Board budget were passed in both chambers to include the $8.8 million that was previously 1-time funding, as part of the standard budget as well as funding to fill the two positions of Industry Development Manager and Data Analyst. Thank you to those of you who took the time to reach out to your legislators!  The House also passed amendments of $2 million for the USA 250 grants/celebration, $500,000 for an airshow, and $150,000 to study renovations at the State Veterans Museum. Those three amendments will be worked out between the House and Senate.  

    HB 67 Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Trust Fund Administration-2


    This bill is a mirror bill to SF 40 providing an additional opportunity for the bill to be introduced and worked if SF 40 fails introduction.  See SF 40 below for explanation of bill. 

    Status: Passed the House and Senate! Awaiting the Governor’s signature.

  • (Note: if you see an issue or bill listed below that you think we should engage in, please let us know!  Reach out to Chris Brown at chris@wyohtc.org)

    SF 68 Tangible Personal Property-Tax Exemption 


    Exempts all tangible personal (business) property from taxation. 

    Status: Passed the Senate and assigned to the House Revenue Committee. 


    SF 79 Malt Beverage Franchise Agreements 


    Would allow Malt Beverage manufacturers producing less than 25,000 barrels annually to terminate franchise agreements. 

    Status: Passed Senate and passed 2nd reading in the House.  


    SF 82 Summer Vacation Preservation Act 


    Would reduce the amount of needed school days from 175 annually to 165 and would give school districts the ability to start school after Labor Day and end the school year by Memorial Day. 

    Status: Passed the Senate and assigned to the House Education Committee.

  • HB 2 Non-Resident Fishing License Fee Increase


    Increases non-resident annual fishing license fee from $100.00 to $110.00 and non-resident daily fishing license fee from $10.00 to $14.00

    HB 17 Fishing Outfitters and Guides-Registration of Fishing Boats


    Authorizes the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission to regulate guided fishing boats.

    HB 203 Property Tax Reduction and Replacement Act 


    Would exempt all property tax for residential property valued up to $1 million.  Would also add 2% to state sales tax. Provides a rebate “if funds available” to industries that pay severance tax

    SF 40 Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Trust Fund Administration 


    During the last legislative session, the Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Trust Fund Account was established.  $3 million annually is deposited into it from the Wyoming Tourism Special Projects Account.  This bill provides a governance structure, similar to the Wyoming Natural Resources Trust Fund. It will facilitate all 23 counties able to apply for grants related to building out and maintaining Outdoor Recreation and Tourism related products.  This is a committee bill sponsored by the Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee.

    SF 62 State Parks- Recreation Management Authority


    Authorizes the Dept. of State Parks and Cultural Resources to lease state lands for recreational purposes.

    SF 87 Boutique Hotel Liquor Licenses 


    Allows for the creation of a Boutique Hotel Liquor License for Boutique Hotels with a minimum capital valuation of $10 million.

For any questions or concerns related to the upcoming budget session or any of the federal issues we are focused on, please contact WHTC Executive Director Chris Brown at chris@wyohtc.org


Celebrating the 2024 BIG WYO Award Winner: Jim Waldrop


2.27.24 Legislative Update